7 Home Remedies For Treating Superficial Fungal Infections Naturally

You can use natural ingredients to relieve the discomfort caused by superficial fungal infections. They are very effective, without being aggressive towards the skin.
7 home remedies to treat superficial fungal infections naturally

Superficial fungal infections, or mycosis, are a type of infection that can manifest anywhere on the body at any age. However, they are more common on the scalp, around the genitals, and on the nails, especially the toenails.

In this article, you will discover seven home remedies for treating superficial fungal infections naturally. You can choose the one that catches your attention, or combine them and swap for better results.

Preparations for superficial fungal infections

1. Essential tea tree oil

Essential tea tree oil

Essential tea tree oil is one of the most popular preparations against superficial fungal infections. In fact, it is a common ingredient in natural cosmetics to fight acne and dandruff, as well as candidiasis (yeast infection) and cystitis.

This oil can be very irritating, so you need to  avoid using it on sensitive areas or mucous membranes. You can also dilute it in coconut oil, which also has antifungal properties.

2. Essential oregano oil against superficial fungal infections

This essential oil is extracted from the aromatic oregano plant. It is very effective because of its antibiotic and antibiotic properties. It is a very suitable remedy for oral use, as long as the label indicates so.

  • You can combine it with essential tea tree oil or drink it. If you choose the latter option, take a drop of this oil diluted in a teaspoon of oil or honey three times a day.

3. Ginger

Ginger is a great remedy for several health problems. It eliminates certain types of bacteria and fungi  without any side effects.

You can use essential ginger oil or prepare a bath with a ginger infusion. This preparation can be very useful against mycosis of the hands or feet. You can also apply a fresh juice.

4. Propolis against superficial fungal infections

Propolis is one of the best options when it comes to natural antibiotics to prevent and treat all types of infections. Furthermore, it also kills fungi, as the ingredients are used by bees to keep the hives sterile.

You can combine oral and topical propolis treatments:

  • Topical:  Apply it directly on the affected area. We recommend that you choose a non-alcoholic propolis product.
  • Oral: Take five drops every three hours until the fungal infection disappears. As a preventative measure, you can take five drops on an empty stomach every day.

5. Ceylon Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a spice that you should definitely have in the closet. In fact, the content of niacin, thiamine and ascorbic acid makes it a very effective antifungal ingredient.

You can use essential cinnamon oil or prepare a bath just like with ginger. You can also combine both spices to enhance their curative effects. However, you must always make sure to choose Ceylon Cinnamon, which is the medical type.

6. Garlic against superficial fungal infections


Garlic is a good treatment for superficial fungal infections, as it is a very powerful antibiotic and antifungal agent. You can both apply it locally and eat them raw. If you find it difficult to eat it, buy garlic cookies.

7. Aloe vera

Finally, we have aloe vera, which is another great product you should have at home since it can help treat various health conditions. In addition, it is also a very convenient ingredient to add to all kinds of cosmetic and natural products.

In addition, aloe vera is easy to use due to its consistency. You can combine it with other oils to create an ointment that is easily absorbed and will not leave your skin oily.

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