6 Wrong Steps When You Want To Lose Weight

Going hungry when you want to lose weight is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. You need a balanced diet and regular exercise to succeed.
6 wrong steps when you want to lose weight

Many people want to lose  v eights in a world where obesity has become one of the biggest health risks in most countries. Countless of us make fundamental mistakes in the experiment; mistakes that make the path to ideal weight all the more difficult.

The slimming industry has grown to become one of the world’s largest. Many companies offer products that promote weight loss for those who want to lose weight. But which basically does not give the desired results. These products can often help you burn fat more easily, but they are not miracle cures that work without your own effort. Fat burning involves many other factors.

One of the most common mistakes we make when we want to lose weight is to limit the weight loss plan to one factor; in the belief that it will bring us to the goal. For example: Many people follow a healthy diet with fewer calories, but fail to exercise or consider other important causes of weight gain. Others resort to “miracle cures”; very restrictive diets that can give the desired results, but which do not work when you fall back into old habits. Read on to learn how to avoid the most common pitfalls when you want to lose weight.

Eliminate carbohydrates if you want to lose weight

Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy and should never be removed from your diet. It is true that if you eat too many carbohydrates, then you will gain weight. If, on the other hand, you eat them spread out throughout the day in the recommended amounts, then you will be well on your way to your ideal weight.

To burn fat without cutting out all carbohydrates, you can successfully eat carbohydrate-rich meals for  breakfast and lunch. This will give you the rest of the day to burn the energy they provide. It is not recommended to eat them in the evening, as they can be stored as excess fat.

We must also emphasize that eliminating carbohydrates from your diet completely can lead to serious health problems.

Go hungry

Many people stop eating, skip meals or eat very little at every meal in the belief that this is the key to successful weight loss. What you then do not realize is that this is one of the worst mistakes you can make. It not only leads to lack of nutrients but will also aggravate the metabolism. And it thus becomes even more difficult to lose weight. Research has shown that 5 to 6 small meals spread throughout the day will help your metabolism and you can then more easily get rid of excess fat.

Too little water


Some people believe in the myth that water causes weight gain, as it can cause water retention. Studies show that the opposite is true, since drinking water increases your metabolism, broadens your digestion and keeps you hydrated. Salt is what causes swelling and water weight; therefore, it is recommended that you reduce the amount of salt you get in your diet.

Abuse of diets and light products

This is not necessarily 100% true when a food is presented as a light, diet, low fat or health promoting product. It is usually true that these items have less fat, sugar, calories, salt or carbohydrates. But it is important to remember that this is only a percentage comparison with “normal” products. They will still cause weight gain if you consume them in excessive amounts.

To only train fitness and cardiovascular

heart disease

Running, cycling, jogging or generally just cardiovascular exercise are not enough for lasting weight loss. The key to a good result is to combine this type of training with strength exercises, which will increase your metabolism in the long run.

Only the diet

Nutrition is important when trying to lose weight or maintain your ideal weight. It is true that some foods help with fat burning due to their properties and nutritional content. Some diets also provide great weight loss in a short time. The truth is that it is all the more important to eliminate sugary and high-fat snacks – even beyond the time frame of the diet. Some diets will help you lose weight for 1 or 2 weeks, and you will achieve good results if you follow them step by step. When the diet is over, on the contrary, you often end up at the same weight as before or even heavier. Following such a diet, you must follow a healthy diet and a generally active lifestyle, otherwise you will have lost more than you have gained.

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