6 Tips For Opening A Stuffy Nose In Minutes

The steam from a hot shower is great for opening a stuffy nose and getting immediate relief.
6 tips to open a stuffy nose in minutes

A cold can appear at any time, especially during changes in temperature or weather, and the arrival of spring or autumn. They are characterized by a general experience of discomfort and the well-known nuisance with a stuffy nose.

First of all, it makes it difficult to get oxygen to the rest of your body, and secondly, exhaling through your mouth usually does not last.

This is why it is important to find a way to open a stuffy nose – it can relieve some of the common irritants that come with a cold.

Check out the following tips to open a stuffy nose quickly, because if you do not, you will continue to feel even worse.

Eat strong foods to open a stuffy nose

Strong food helps to loosen the mucus, which in turn will open the blocked sinuses within minutes. The effect may not last long, but why not take advantage of what you eat?

To take advantage of these properties, have the ingredients in your meals, such as onions and garlic, preferably raw, or spices like wasabi. You can also eat raw chili peppers, including serrano or jalapeƱo.

The more you add these nutritious ingredients to your diet, the more benefit you will have.

2. Massage the sinuses


The sinuses are the areas that are right next to the septum of the nose.

A lot of mucus can build up here, so use a circular massage to loosen it, so that the pressure and blockages become less stressful.

How do you do it?

  • Using your index and middle fingers, place your fingers just below the eye sockets and move them in a circular fashion.
  • Do this for 20 to 30 seconds, making sure to press along the areas closest to the nose and just below the eyes.
  • Finally, press your thumbs against your cheeks and massage them using circular motions outwards.

3. Check your breathing


Have you ever clogged your ears and nose to open up your sinuses? If so, this technique is very similar.

How do you do it?

  • Take a deep breath and hold your nose. Then try to squeeze some air out of your nose as you walk around, to the point where it starts to feel uncomfortable.
  • Then release your nose and breathe normally. Sit down, and in a few minutes you will realize that you have opened up your airways.

4. Traditional cure: use a saline solution

To do this, you have two options: you can buy a saline solution at the pharmacy or make one yourself at home.

Both are equally effective, but we always prefer to make them at home, especially when it’s so simple: just boil some water with salt and let it cool.

Once you have the solution, you can use a syringe to pour liquid into the nostrils where it will act as a solvent and open the clogged nasal passages immediately.

5. Mint is the enemy of slime

Nasal spray

As you know, mint is often used to relieve breathing problems associated with colds because it contains acetic acid and ascorbic acid.

These compounds are so effective that after just a few inhalations of menthol or menthol-based ointments, the problem will go away in minutes.

6. Take a hot shower

Water vapor penetrates the airways in a way that breaks up any blockages, so you get the deep breaths you have missed.

In addition to that, a small amount of warm water in the nasal passages can also help you fight the accumulation of mucus.

Do not worry that the shower technique may aggravate the condition. When you have finished your shower, dry yourself well and you should have no problems. Remember that it is also important to wash off all the microbes from all the sneezing and coughing.

Remember these tips, because unfortunately we will all need to use them at some point.

Thanks to this guide, you will be ready to help when you or someone in your life gets a stuffy nose. It’s worth a try!

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