6 Drinks That Relieve Kidney Pain

To relieve kidney pain, it is important that you stay well hydrated to encourage fluid removal. This will also eliminate any potential toxins.
6 drinks that relieve kidney pain

Do you have kidney pain? Your kidneys are two small organs that are very important for the cleansing and detoxification of your body. They are primarily responsible for controlling various detoxification functions in your body, from balancing electrolytes to maintaining blood pressure. Read about these 6 drinks that relieve kidney pain.

When kidney pain occurs, it can be due to a number of reasons. Some of the most common causes are:

  • The presence of an injury
  • A tumor
  • A urinary tract infection
  • Lumps in the kidneys
  • Kidney stone
  • Irregular growth of prostate
  • Limited flow of urine

Whatever the cause, you will find that the pain is very unpleasant and limiting.

To solve this problem, it is best to talk to your doctor first, as kidney pain is usually a symptom of a problem that needs to be treated thoroughly. Fortunately, there are also some natural treatments you can do to fight kidney pain.

1. Water

Woman drinking water

You already know that you should drink two liters of water a day, but most people drink much less than that. Although it may not be a problem on an average day, it is important to consume the right amount if you are experiencing kidney pain.

Remember that adequate water is important to easily remove toxins from your body. The water should be drunk throughout the day. You should also make sure that your water is as natural as possible without added sugar or other ingredients.

2. Water with lemon

Lemon contains citric acid. This acid has the ability to break down and help eliminate all the stones that form in the kidneys. If you get too much calcium, you experience kidney pain due to problems with cleansing the urine.

To avoid this problem, try drinking a glass of water with the juice of two lemons, once a day. Do not add sugar or other sweeteners to avoid more toxins you do not need. This treatment can be especially helpful if your doctor has found that your problem is the presence of kidney stones.

3. Nestlete


Has your doctor told you that your kidney pain is due to inflammation? This can occur when the kidneys have trouble passing urine.

Fortunately, nestle helps eliminate bacteria and crystals that can affect the kidneys.

Try to drink a cup of this tea once a day.


  • 1 teaspoon nestle leaves (5 g)
  • 125 ml boiling water


  • Put the nest leaves in the water and let it soak for seven minutes.
  • Strain the liquid, then drink it without adding sugar or other sweetener.

4. Celery juice

Celery has antiseptic properties that help eliminate bacteria that build up in the kidneys.

If your kidney pain causes you a lot of problems and the previously mentioned drinks do not help you, you can try this option.

  • Although celery juice can be a little strong, it is very effective. If you do not like the taste of celery so much, try mixing it with water or lemon juice.
  • Another option is to add celery to smoothies. This way you can combine it with other fruits and vegetables listed here.

5. Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice

Pomegranates, both the juice and the seeds, are exceptional when it comes to treating kidney pain and urinary tract infections. They have astringent properties that facilitate the decomposition of the kidney stones formed by an excess of minerals.

In addition, this treatment is very hydrating and has a low sugar content. If you want, try drinking a glass of pomegranate juice twice a week. Do not forget that even though it does not contain that much sugar, it is still sweet. Therefore, it is important to have a moderate intake to avoid high blood sugar levels.

6. Watermelon juice

Watermelon is a fruit that contains very high amounts of water and potassium. These two elements can be very useful for breaking down rocks formed by phosphates and carbonates. Another benefit of drinking watermelon juice is that it regulates the acidity levels in the urine.

  • If you choose to drink watermelon juice for kidney pain, it is best to consume it fresh, and in small amounts, since it has a high sugar content.
  • Ideally, you should combine one-third watermelon juice with two-thirds water, or add the juice to your smoothies.

Other tips for kidney pain

In addition to the drinks mentioned above, there are several steps you should consider. The most important thing is to visit your doctor. It is not normal to experience kidney pain, and if it has lasted for more than a few days, it is best to rule out any serious problem.

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