5 Yoga Poses That Reduce Anxiety And Stress

In addition to reducing stress and anxiety, yoga poses allow us to connect with ourselves, they improve our flexibility, and fight muscle and joint pain.
5 yoga poses that reduce anxiety and stress

Yoga is among the many techniques for relieving anxiety and stress. This is because it allows us to channel negative energy to combat these problems.

Many health experts recommend practicing yoga to relieve tension and reduce negative emotions.

The main benefits of this training are due to the concentration and the physical requirements that it requires. These requirements are an aid in reducing cortisol levels, correcting breathing patterns and improving posture.

In addition, researchers have shown that the movements involved in yoga improve joint health. These movements help prevent heart disease and diabetes.

The best thing about these yoga poses is that you can practice them from the comfort of your home or in any available office space.

Try them!

1. Breathe in fire to reduce anxiety and stress

breathing exercise

Fire breathing or Kapalabhati Pranayama is an exercise that cleanses the airways and increases metabolic activity.

In addition, there is a deep breathing technique where you have to relax your stomach and breathe heavily. This causes the abdominal muscles to contract.

You can reduce stress levels and clear your mind by practicing this energizing breathing technique.

How do you do it?

  • Sit on a mat with your legs crossed and your back straight.
  • Put your hands on your knees and relax your face.
  • Start breathing naturally and passively.
  • Inhale deeply and slowly through the nose, until the lungs are filled with air.
  • Contract the abdominal muscles vigorously.
  • After exhaling, inhale again.
  • Repeat this ten times.

2. Balasana or the child position

Balasana or the child position is a stretching exercise that controls the tension in the back and neck.

You perform this position while breathing slowly, which helps reduce anxiety and combats problems caused by stress.

Due to the effort involved, it is best to perform this position on a mat or on a comfortable surface.

How do you do it?

  • Sit on your knees and lower yourself forward so that your forehead is on the mat.
  • Place your arms along the side of your body with your palms up next to your toes. You can also choose to place your palms in front of you past your head. Note that the palms should be facing down if you choose this position.
  • Take a deep breath and concentrate on the position for 30 seconds.

3. Uttanasana

You have probably had to stretch your back by leaning forward before.

Uttanasana is a modified version of this activity, which seeks to relieve muscle tension and channel bad energy.

How do you do it?

  • Inhale and raise your arms above your head.
  • Exhale and lean forward, but tighten your stomach and keep your back and legs straight when doing this.
  • Place your hands on the sides of your feet and keep all your fingers straight.
  • Move your head towards your feet and make an effort to stretch your legs more using the thigh muscles.
  • If you feel too much pressure in your legs, you can bend your knees a little.
  • Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Gradually increase the amount of time spent in this position each time you practice this position until you reach a minute.
  • Move slowly back to the starting position.

4. The dog

Its original name is Adho Mukha Svanasana , which is a position that warms up almost every part of the body.

This is one of the yoga poses used to tone the nerves in the spinal cord and improve blood circulation from the lower body to the head. Furthermore, this position helps to reduce stress and control symptoms of anxiety. It also strengthens muscles and joints.

How do you do it?

  • Stand on all fours with your hands in front of your shoulders and your legs shoulder-width apart.
  • Lift your knees off the floor and lean on your toes.
  • Avoid bending your back too much, as this can lead to muscle damage.
  • Lift the ribs to provide more support to the shoulders and back.
  • Press the tailbone against the heels and apply pressure to them using the inside and outside of the feet.
  • Hold this position for 20 seconds, then rest.

5. Broen

stretch your back

This way of bending your back is more comfortable if you do it on an exercise ball.

This is because the ball will help correct the posture of your body and will control circulation problems, anxiety and stress.

How do you do it?

  • Sit comfortably on an exercise ball, with your back straight.
  • Use your feet as balance support.
  • Sit back on the ball and bend your spine naturally.
  • Keep your hands on the sides of the ball or on the floor in front of your head.
  • Put pressure on your feet and land on your palms.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds while taking deep breaths and letting your spine stretch.

When you practice selected yoga poses regularly, you will be able to keep stress and anxiety at bay. You will also improve your flexibility and joint health.

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