5 Wonderful Medicinal Plants For Regulating Diabetes

In addition to medication, a healthy diet and physical activity, certain medicinal plants can do a lot in regulating diabetes. In this article we will tell you which ones.
5 wonderful medicinal plants to regulate diabetes

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), diabetes is one of the least recognized causes of death. However , failure to regulate diabetes can lead to heart disease, kidney failure, cold sores, blindness and even death .

Here we will give you some information that may interest you, as well as certain medicinal plants that can help you regulate diabetes.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when either the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body does not use the insulin it produces properly . If this is not regulated, the blood ends up with too much sugar.

Diabetes is classified as:

  • Type 1 : when the pancreas does not synthesize insulin,
  • Type 2 : when the body is unable to use insulin properly,
  • Gestational diabetes : during pregnancy, when there is an unusual increase in blood sugar.


Woman with headache
  • Blurred vision
  • Excessive thirst
  • Fatigue  or exhaustion
  • Frequent need to urinate
  • Hunger
  • Weight loss

Is There A Cure For Diabetes?

So far, researchers have not discovered any drug that cures diabetes completely.

Currently, one can only regulate diabetes with medication, diet and physical activity . The goal of these three strategies is to control your blood sugar.

Medicinal plants to regulate diabetes

Nature gives us some medicinal plants that can help regulate diabetes, with the purpose of controlling blood sugar. However, it is important to check with a doctor to ensure that these do not have adverse effects in combination with the medications you are using .

Some of the best herbal remedies for regulating diabetes are:

1. Croton guatemalensis

Croton guatemalensis

Croton guatemalensis comes from Mexico and Colombia. The bark acts as a hypoglycemic and antipyretic, among other things .

How does it help regulate diabetes?

Well, the bark of Croton guatemalensis contains a substance that generates glucose through hydrolysis. It helps to improve the secretion of the pancreas and the metabolism of carbohydrates . Therefore, the blood sugar level goes down.

It is recommended for types 1 and 2 diabetes, as it helps with appetite and thirst, while also reducing fever .

Here is a way to prepare it (we must warn that it has a rather bitter taste!):


  • 1 cup water (200 ml)
  • 1 tbsp croton guatemalensis (20 g)


  • Put croton guatemalensis in a cup of water.
  • Store the mixture in a cool place.
  • Leave it overnight.
  • Then you strain it and drink on an empty stomach .

2. Gymnema

This plant is found mainly in Asia: Especially in India, in the southern tropical areas of the country. Gym magazines lower your blood sugar and help you lose weight. They are also diuretic, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying . They are also used in connection with weight loss and arthritis.

How do they help with diabetes? When consumed, you feel less urge to drink sugary drinks, as they work much like glucose molecules . In other words, the plant blocks sugar absorption. Therefore, it is good for both preventing and regulating diabetes.

Here’s how to cook it:


  • 1 tbsp gymnema leaves (15 g)
  • 1 cup water (200 ml)


  • Pour the water into a saucepan and wait for it to boil.
  • Then add gym leaves and let it cook for 10 minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and allow to cool.
  • Drink one or two cups a day .

3. Eucalyptus


Eucalyptus is well known for its ability to help with breathing problems. But both the fruit and the leaves also reduce glucose levels, in addition to reducing fever. They act as an expectorant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent as well .

Together, all of these properties can help control blood sugar.

To make the mixture:


  • Eucalyptus leaves (30 g)
  • 1 cup water (200 ml)


  • Boil the water.
  • Add eucalyptus leaves that you have washed beforehand.
  • Let simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Server.

4. Cinnamon

Although cinnamon tastes sweet, it is actually very good for diabetics. Cinnamon comes from India. Some of the highlights are that it is very good for digestion, helps to get rid of intestinal gas and acts as a stimulant and antiseptic .

How does cinnamon help regulate diabetes? This plant helps to stabilize sugar levels by stimulating the insulin receptors, which naturally lower the glycemic value.

How to prepare the remedy:


  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • Water (200 ml)


  • Boil the water.
  • Add cinnamon sticks.
  • Let it soak for 10 minutes.
  • Server.

5. Stevia


Stevia is a sweetener that is originally from Brazil and Paraguay. The leaves lower both blood sugar levels and blood pressure. They are also diuretic, antibacterial and antifungal . Despite being up to 50 times sweeter than sugar, they do not contain any carbohydrates.

How do they help regulate diabetes, then? These leaves induce the beta cells found in the pancreas, thus reducing glucose levels .

You can make the remedy like this:


  • Stevia leaves (15 g)
  • Water (125 ml)


  • Boil the water.
  • Add stevia leaves.
  • Let it soak for 10 minutes.
  • Drink one cup a day .

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