5 Psychological Traits In Submissive People

Submissive people tend to carry a painful past that makes them the way they are, not wanting to stand out to avoid suffering further.
5 psychological characteristics of submissive people

Submissive people usually do not raise their voice, they stay in second place and stick to what more authoritative people can demand from them.

However, these types of attitudes can sometimes lead to a person becoming involved in a harmful and unhealthy relationship. Eventually, they may become a victim. However, changing this way of being is complicated.

It is not that these types of people will not stop being submissive, but because their past experiences have led them to acquire certain psychological qualities that they cannot easily get rid of.

1. Submissive people are not confident

Submissive people

Submissive people do not prioritize their needs or their desires. Instead, they always put the needs and desires of others first.

Their lack of self-confidence forces them to adopt a secondary position in a group work, for example. All this is because they struggle hard to express their point of view or opinions.

Although they may want to do so, they feel self-conscious and withdraw. They believe that what they believe will not be taken into account, and even end up doubting their own opinions.

2. Their past is filled with pain

Submissive people are not necessarily born in this way, but have instead undergone experiences that have gradually led them to withdraw into themselves and become who they are.

A childhood where the parents have an unhealthy relationship or the teens are filled with constant bullying, can be more than enough reasons why someone can take on a completely submissive role.

Low self-esteem and insecurity make them feel useless unless they offer themselves to others.

This is not healthy for them, because in the long run they become very vulnerable to being easily injured.

Submissive people avoid any kind of conflict

Man yells at woman

We will never see submissive people looking for conflict. On the contrary: they will avoid it at all costs.

Conflicts make them very nervous, perhaps because it reminds them of a previous experience.

The problem with this is that to avoid conflict, they will lower their heads, take on what they are not willing to accept and not give themselves the space they deserve.

This worry of avoiding any kind of conflict or discussion causes a lot of exhaustion.

4. Submissive people do not like to attract attention

Some may confuse it with shyness, but in reality it is a way of being unnoticed and a way of not standing out.

Submissive people experience great anxiety about what others may think of them. This is why they tend to dress and act in an extremely discreet way.

This will guarantee that they avoid any situation that could lead to humiliation or that could possibly generate some form of conflict.

5. They tend to be emotionally dependent

Submissive people tend to be emotionally dependent

Submissive people tend to think too much of others and are so vulnerable that they need someone to protect them.

Therefore, it is only natural for them to end up in dependent relationships where the other person gives meaning to their life, and at the same time provides protection.

This is also believed to be true for conditions where abuse is present. Even if the other person does not treat them well, they say in their minds, “… I have at least some”.

This is really a point of view that exposes them to suffer a lot in their relationship.

Have you been in contact with submissive people? Are you a submissive person? Breaking away from this state of maximum submissiveness is possible, but it requires hard work and awareness of what is actually going on.

After all, submissive people tend to suffer a lot.

Their attitude attracts violent and aggressive people, so much so that over time and with some harm they have to acknowledge the need to start giving themselves the recognition they deserve.

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