5 Natural Ways To Bleach Clothes Without Bleach

Aside from eliminating odors, baking soda can help remove stains while making clothes softer. Just be sure to rinse with regular detergent and you can remove bleach from your routine.
5 natural ways to bleach clothes without bleach

White clothes tend to get color very easily when they come in contact with something, or they can get a yellowish tint if they have been used frequently. Here we will give you tips on natural ways to bleach clothes without bleach.

Keeping white clothes white usually involves the use of chemical products sold in stores today, especially those that contain bleach and claim to be the best solution for restoring the original bright white color of the clothes.

The truth is that these products work well and they can be the easiest way to bleach clothes. But the chemicals they contain are not healthy at all. They can also harm the environment.

To prevent any accident in the home by using bleach and products that contain it, we want in today’s article to share some tricks to clean clothes and bleach clothes in a more environmentally friendly way. We will do this using natural products that you may already have in the house. They will help you get rid of stains on the fabric and regain the original white color of the clothes.

White vinegar can be used to bleach clothes

Apart from being a useful product for removing stains and dirt, white vinegar is very gentle on textiles and helps to soften them naturally, which allows you to avoid having to resort to chemical-based fabric softeners.

How should I use it?

  • Add ½ to 1 cup of distilled white vinegar to your regular washing machine detergent, and run the wash cycle as usual.
  • If the clothes have stains around the neck, under the arms, or other areas, rub some white vinegar on the affected areas and leave it on for an hour before washing.


Baking soda can be used to bleach clothes

This is a product that, in addition to being very affordable, penetrates deep into the fabric of the clothes, removes stains and makes them soft.

How should I use it?

  • Add ½ cup of baking soda to your regular detergent and wash as normal. Remember to always distinguish white clothes from clothes with colors.
  • For difficult stains, use baking soda mixed with a little lemon juice directly on the affected areas.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide for bleaching clothes

Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent product for caring for white clothes, because it does not contain bleach.

How should I use it?

  • Add ½ cup 3% hydrogen peroxide to your regular detergent. You can also apply this liquid directly on the stain.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice for bleaching clothes

Lemon juice cleanses deeply in the fibers of the fabric, and removes dirt. It leaves the clothes fresh and white.

How should I use it?

  • Fill a saucepan with water and some lemon slices. Bring to the boil, then let the clothes soak in the lemon water for an hour before washing as usual.
  • Another good option is to make a mixture of soap, a tablespoon of salt and the juice of two lemons. Let the clothes soak in this mixture, then rinse them and let them dry in the sun.


This surprising ingredient can be used to care for your clothes and help keep them white. It is especially recommended and use it for fine fabrics or cotton fabrics.

How should I use it?

  • Put the garment in a bowl of milk and let it soak for a couple of hours. Then rinse it as usual.

Tips for maintaining white clothing

White clothes require a little special care to keep them in good condition with a light color.

If white is your favorite color when it comes to fabrics, note the following tips:

  • Avoid using chemical bleaches on polyester garments or cotton and polyester blends. These can cause a reaction between the bleach and the polyester which will cause the fabric to turn yellow.
  • Pay close attention to the water you wash your clothes in. If it is unclear, it can help to give a yellowish color to your clothes.
  • When washing white clothes, you can add a little borax dissolved in water to make the fabric softer. Borax will not stain the clothes.
  • To avoid stains on white clothing, be careful not to touch perfume, deodorants, or other products that come in contact with the fabric. Usually these end up making yellowish stains on the clothes.
  • Try to dry white clothes in the sun, because the UV rays will help keep them white and bright.

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