5 Home Treatments For Intestinal Parasites

Intestinal parasites can appear in your body due to contact with contaminated food, water or insects. Learn about how to fight them naturally in this article.
5 home treatments for intestinal parasites

Intestinal parasites, or intestinal worms, are organisms that can cause many health problems when they settle in your intestines. In general, these are protozoa, like the Guardia. However, they can also be worm-like, as with Taenias. They can appear in your body due to contact with contaminated food, water and some types of insects. Fortunately, there are also home remedies for intestinal parasites!

Many people believe that this only happens in poorer societies. However, the truth is that everyone is at risk of becoming infected. After infecting you, they cause abdominal pain. They also cause recurrent fatigue and unpleasant itching in the rectal area.

But thanks to the properties of some natural ingredients, there are treatments for intestinal parasites. And we can do that before they lead to more complications.

In this article, we want to share five great alternatives to home remedies for intestinal parasites. This way, you will not have to wait to try them until you see any signs of an infection.

Lemon and mint for intestinal parasites


The digestive properties of mint are combined with the antibiotic and anti-parasitic properties of lemons. This makes it a good solution to relieve the discomfort caused by the parasites. Their essential nutrients counteract deficiencies caused by these organisms, and they also promote their elimination.


  • 2 tablespoons mint
  • 250 ml of water
  • 1 lemon, juice
  • Salt (optional)

Here’s how to do it

  • Mix mint with warm water and leave for 8 to 10 minutes.
  • Strain the liquid. Then add lemon juice and a pinch of salt.
  • Drink it twice a day until you have the infection under control.

2. Coconut

Coconuts and their derivatives have anti-parasitic and emollient properties. These contribute to better digestive health when you are facing infections caused by these organisms.

Their antibiotic abilities strengthen your immune system. They also help protect you from inflammation and pain.


  • 250 ml  coconut water
  • 1 coconut, grated.

Here’s how to do it

  • Mix the coconut water with grated coconut in a blender.
  • Mix until smooth. Drink this two or three times a day.

3. Castor oil and milk


Castor oil (or castor oil, castor oil), and milk are an old remedy that makes it easier to get rid of parasites along with other wastes. Their laxative and anti- inflammatory properties support the functions of the intestines, and they also help you get rid of waste and worms.


  • 250 ml milk
  • 1 tbsp castor oil

Here’s how to do it

  • Heat the milk with the castor oil.
  • Drink it once a day for a whole week.

4. Tomato with salt and pepper

Tomatoes with salt and pepper are delicious. But more than that, they have powerful anti-parasitic properties that help improve your digestive system. The combination of them reduces gastritis and removes microorganisms that cause painful infections. They are also a great help for intestinal health. This is because they increase the amount of nutrients you absorb.


  • 2 ripe tomatoes
  • 1/2 a cup of water
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)

Here’s how to do it

  • Put all the ingredients in your blender. Mix them until you get a smooth liquid.
  • Drink this for breakfast every day until you get rid of the parasites.

5. Garlic and honey


Known in many other places as “garlic honey”, this is an alternative treatment for intestinal parasites and other stored waste. Garlic is a known antibacterial and anti-fungal agent. Due to its structure, this plant fights several types of infectious diseases.

Allicin, the active ingredient in garlic, fights intestinal inflammation. It also increases the activity of your bacterial flora which protects you from microorganisms. This combination with the light laxative effect of honey makes this mixture ideal for removing microbes that affect your health.


  • 6 garlic cloves
  • 125 ml of honey

Here’s how to do it

  • Cut the garlic cloves into thin slices, or crush them with a mortar and pestle.
  • Put this in a glass jar and cover it with honey.
  • Leave it for three days before using it.
  • Eat two or three tablespoons a day to fight your parasite infection.

All of these treatments to fight parasites can work differently for each individual. This depends on the response and diet of the immune system.

To get rid of these infections, it is necessary to avoid irritating foods. These include refined sugars, flours and fats.

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