5 Good Fruits For The Liver And Kidneys

Exercising regularly, quitting smoking and controlling your emotions are other contributing factors to keep in mind. But, nature also has something to offer for the health of the liver and kidneys, something you can not do without: fruit.
5 good fruits for the liver and kidneys

Want to know how to take better care of the health of your liver and kidneys? First, it is important that you have a healthy lifestyle. Having a good diet with a low intake of salt and fat is essential.

Exercising regularly, quitting smoking and controlling your emotions are other contributing factors to keep in mind. But, nature also has something to offer for the health of the liver and kidneys, something you can not do without:  fruit.

In today’s article we will find out which fruits are best to help us take care of the liver and kidneys. Keep reading!

1. Watermelon for your liver and kidneys

5 good fruits for the liver and kidneys

Watermelon… Who doesn’t love watermelon? It is a light, delicious fruit that is refreshing in the summer and blends well with other juices – it can even be used for lunch and dinner. Have you ever tried to make a salad with spinach, cheese, nuts, watermelon and mint? The taste is almost divine!

Let’s explore why watermelon is good for the liver and kidneys:

  • Watermelon is one of the best fruits to cleanse the kidneys and promotes good liver function thanks to its diuretic and detoxifying properties.
  • Making juice from the watermelon is the healthiest way to consume it, since it is then absorbed faster into the tissue and blood circulation, which promotes the function of the kidneys even more.
  • Always choose fresh watermelon. If the fruit is overripe, it can cause more problems than benefits.

2. Cranberries

5 good fruits for the liver and kidneys

The best way to get cranberries is to drink it. In addition to tasting incredibly good, cranberry juice is good for the liver, kidneys and bladder. Here are some of the incredible benefits of cranberries:

  • Cranberries are a natural antioxidant, and one of the best fruits you can find when detoxifying your body in a natural way.
  • They remove toxins, cleanse the body and blood circulation and protect you from the effect free radicals can have on the body.
  • One of the most well-known properties of cranberries is their ability to shield the bladder wall from bacteria. Believe it or not, it helps the body take care of the entire intestinal system.

3. Lemon

5 good fruits for the liver and kidneys

Lemon and lemon juice are some of the most natural and medicinal you can get in you on a daily basis. We talk a lot about lemon in this blog; about the benefits of drinking lemon water on an empty stomach. Drinking lemon juice and water on an empty stomach is also an excellent way to take care of the health of the liver and kidneys.

  • Lemon is a natural tax that, among other things, helps to treat fatty liver.
  • Lemons are rich in vitamins and minerals, and help optimize and strengthen the function of the liver and kidneys.
  • Another benefit of lemons is that they help digest food when the food has reached the stomach. In this way, lemons promote good digestion.

4. Apples

5 good fruits for the liver and kidneys

Green apples, red apples… Choose any apple! Choose any type or just the ones that look best, as all apples are equally good at taking care of the liver and kidneys. Apples are also good for the heart. Why not include a few pieces of apples in your breakfast today? Apples are a good alternative. Do not forget to eat the peel – it is the best part of the apple!

  • Apples, in addition to preventing high cholesterol and high triglyceride levels, promote kidney function and help detoxify the liver.
  • You should eat one apple a day to get the most out of it. Make sure you wash your apple well and always eat the peel.

5. Red grapes

5 good fruits for the liver and kidneys

Always choose the grapes with the darkest color. Why? Because they are richer in antioxidants and have more medicinal properties than light grapes.

  • Red grapes are very diuretic. They help cleanse the kidneys and strengthen liver function.
  • Red grapes have a high water content of almost 80%. This makes them ideal for everyday use, and just like with apples, you should always eat them with the skin on. Many of the benefits of the grape are found in, precisely, the skin.
  • As you probably already know, grapes are full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. They promote the removal of toxins and other harmful wastes from the body.
  • You can enjoy grapes in many different ways. They can be eaten for breakfast mixed with oatmeal or Greek yogurt, or as an ingredient in a delicious salad made with spinach, nuts, cheese and maybe even some watermelon if you wish.
  • If you are now wondering whether a glass of red wine a day is good for the liver and kidneys, the answer is yes! The benefits of red wine come from its content of resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant found in red grapes and which according to various studies is excellent in the treatment of fatty liver. Remember to limit yourself to one glass a day… Everything should be enjoyed in moderation!


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