5 Exercises That Do Not Help You Lose Weight

We often believe that everything that makes us sweat helps us lose weight. However, there are some exercises that, although they have other benefits, do not help with weight loss.
5 exercises that do not help you lose weight

We often think that exercise only helps us lose weight, but that is not true. There are exercises that do not help you lose weight, and which, on the other hand, are perfect for those who already have good physical shape and just want to strengthen their muscles.

Read on, because we will tell you more about these exercises.

Exercises that do not help you lose weight

1. CrossFit


CrossFit is one of the exercises that does not help you lose weight, but it has become very popular in recent years. You can certainly find a specialized CrossFit gym near you, almost anywhere you live.

Although this exercise is very intense, it does not work very well to lose a few extra pounds. If you train CrossFit without being in good enough shape, you can inflict serious injuries on yourself.

  • We recommend that you train CrossFit if you have reached your ideal weight, are in shape and are used to training.
  • In addition, it will be a better idea to start with basic routines, and to have a good diet to avoid imbalances.

2. Yoga


Yoga is the stress-relieving counterpart to CrossFit, although it is also one of the exercises that does not help you lose weight. While it looks strenuous and intense from the outside, yoga is a calm and generally relaxing exercise.

It has been popular for longer than CrossFit, and it is a great option to start introducing exercise into your life, improving your breathing, posture and well-being.

  • When it comes to calories, an hour of yoga will burn approx. 150 calories.
  • By walking for 30 minutes, however, you can expect to burn around 311 calories.

Start by taking a walk to strengthen your muscles.

Prolonged cardio exercises

Lose weight

Depending on your age, you may remember a few decades back, when cardio was the trendy training method. You can find a place to practice cardio everywhere.

But what no one knew then is that it is one of the exercises that does not help you lose weight. Cardio is a great alternative to:

  • Get stronger
  • Becomes more flexible
  • Increase muscle strength
  • Strengthen metabolism

Even if you do not burn a lot of calories with one cardio session, we recommend that you still train cardio to get in good physical shape. Make a weekly plan with two cardio sessions, of thirty minutes each.

Over time, you will notice that breathing and physical resistance have improved. Two good examples of what will improve are the speed when you go up stairs and you will breathe easier.



Pilates is another exercise that does not help you lose weight and is very similar to yoga. It is an exercise that has been practiced for many years, and has good health benefits, including:

  • Better flexibility
  • Relaxation and elimination of tension, which makes it perfect for those extra stressful days
  • Stronger muscles
  • Recovery from injury, in a gentle way that does not put you in danger

It is a good option for older people who are not able to perform more demanding exercises.

If you have had an injury that prevented you from moving normally, ask your doctor if Pilates will be good for you. In most cases, it is recommended, and it is very good to get your range of motion back.

5. Exercises that only work on parts of the body

Woman trains strength

Other exercises that do not help you lose weight are those that only train parts of your body. We train them most often because they help us burn fat on specific problem areas.

In fact, most of us prefer to save as much energy as possible. Therefore, when an exercise promises us immediate results, we want to believe in it. But you should know that in order to be healthy and well, you need to exercise all parts of your body.

  • If you prefer to train specific areas, plan your training routine so that you train one area each day.
  • Also be aware that it will be necessary to get expert supervision, to check your progress, so that you do not sprain things, or injure yourself in other ways.

Depending on your abilities, condition and needs, it is possible that including these exercises is the best option for you. This can only be decided by you and your doctor, or your personal trainer.

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