4-7-8 Technique For Adequate Sleep

During the first month, you should do the 4-7-8 technique four times a day, but then it is enough to do it in the morning and in the evening half an hour before bedtime.
4-7-8 technique for adequate sleep

Whether you are one of those who struggle to sleep or do not get enough sleep, you have probably tried everything from relaxing tea to a walk before bedtime. It is important to remember that what works for some does not necessarily work for others. Therefore, it is always worth trying different things to find out what works for you.

For that reason, today we will talk about the famous 4-7-8 technique. Although we present it as an interesting tip, it is also worth knowing that many who use this technique regularly not only achieve adequate sleep, but also learn to manage stress better.

How about trying this technique today?

What is the 4-7-8 technique for adequate sleep?

The 4-7-8 technique is a very effective way to relax through breathing exercises. This method was developed by Dr. Andrew Weil of the University of Arizona (USA); a doctor who is well known for his therapies in reducing stress and anxiety and in helping people struggling with insomnia.

This doctor has been on the cover of Time Magazine twice, and while it is true that he has a marketing agency behind him, his techniques and tips are very effective for anyone suffering from nervousness and stress.

If this applies to you, keep in mind the 4-7-8 technique:

If you use the technique for a month, you will notice how easy it is to fall asleep at night. Your body will get used to these daily relaxation exercises, and little by little your breathing will become more rhythmic and calmer, your muscles and mind will become more relaxed. You will also be prepared to rest throughout the night.

The 4-7-8 technique is very useful for combating daily stress. It will also make us better equipped to deal with anger that can occasionally “attack” us.

During the first month, you should do the 4-7-8 technique four times a day. After this, it is enough to do it in the morning and in the evening half an hour before bedtime. Then our body and mind have become accustomed to this technique, and it will almost automatically help us to get enough sleep.

How is the 4-7-8 technique done?


The 4-7-8 technique is very easy to do – you just need to follow these guidelines:

The first month

During the first month, we will do the 4-7-8 technique 4 times a day : when you get up in the morning, after lunch, in the afternoon after work and finally about half an hour before going to bed. It’s very simple, do you want to know how?

  • Sit down in a comfortable place that allows you to keep your back straight.
  • Place your tongue behind the upper front teeth, exactly where the palate begins.
  • Then close your mouth and breathe through your nose while COUNTING TO 4.
  • Then hold your breath for 7 SECONDS.
  • Then exhale all the air from the lungs for 8 SECONDS, while letting go of all the fatigue, pressure, anxiety. This will feel very liberating.
  • Repeat this cycle 4 times.
  • And that’s all. As you understand, this is a very simple technique, but which will help us regulate our breathing and release daily stress. The most important thing to keep in mind is to do these exercises 4 times a day for a month.

The next few months

After the first month, both body and mind will have to wait for these breathing techniques. This is a useful way throughout the day to deal with sources of external stress that change our breathing, and which result in us building up tension until the evening and making it difficult to get a good night’s sleep.

After the first 30 days , do the 4-7-8 technique twice a day : the first when you get up in the morning and the second about half an hour before going to bed. But if during the day you feel stressed or have built up an anger after a discussion for example. Do not hesitate to use this technique as it will help you relax.


The bottom line is: it’s very important that you follow these tips carefully in order to enjoy adequate sleep:

  • Keep to your routines throughout the day, which means that lunch, dinner and the 4-7-8 technique are done at the same time every day.
  • Eat a light dinner, and always at least two hours before bed.
  • Take a relaxing shower before bed.
  • It is very important that you switch off your PC and mobile phone whenever possible 2 hours before bedtime, as the screens on these have a stimulating effect and prevent us from getting enough sleep.

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