3 Home Treatments To End Tooth Grinding

Our pace of life is faster than ever, and with it come more problems than you might think. Learn to release stress and eat healthy to put an end to gnashing of teeth.
3 home treatments to end tooth decay

Bruxism is a persistent jaw problem that is often called  gnashing of teeth . It can happen during the day or at night. However, it is more frequent at night, which means that it is often difficult to find solutions to end tooth grinding.

People who suffer from it rub  their teeth vigorously,  and most of the time it is unconscious and causes them to wear down.

The main trigger is psychological,  although the reactions extend to dentistry.

Causes of tooth grinding

Since it is more psychological than physical, it  can stem from something as common as stress .

In addition, there are other possible causes:

  • An unhealthy diet
  • Poor sleep habits
  • A bad attitude
  • Incorrectly adjusted teeth

Everyone is different, and how diseases attack us can therefore also be different. Because of this, when you turn to a specialist, they will ask you several questions to find the root of the problem.


The biggest problem with this condition is that putting too much pressure on your jaw can trigger major problems. For example, it can affect nerves and even your jawbone.

If you are bothered by this disorder, you may notice symptoms such as:

  • Muscle sensitivity
  • Sensitivity to hot, cold and sweet things
  • Eating disorder
  • Pain and swelling in your jaw
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Earache
  • Headache

In many cases, people suffering from this condition have no symptoms, they only find out during a routine dental visit. Sometimes, if they are sleeping with a partner, the other person may notice the sound and say something about it.

Emotional causes

These days, there are many things that can ruin your morning, such as an argument with a family member, problems with your partner, problems at work or an excessive workload. All of these can lead  to stress, anxiety, low self-esteem,  boredom and so on.

It’s amazing how everything about us is connected, even our emotions.

Because of this,  we must be very careful with our strong negative emotions,  because they can not only cause us to suffer from bruxism: there is also a possibility of heart attack.

Recommendations for ending tooth grinding

Woman on tour

In addition to  relaxing, counting to ten and adjusting your body and emotions in a positive way, you should also pay attention to certain physical recommendations to put an end to gnashing of teeth:

  • Sleep as many hours as recommended
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Align your teeth properly through orthodontics
  • Avoid hard foods and sweets
  • Do relaxing exercises that help reduce stress
  • Apply ice or heat where it hurts
  • Massage the affected area

All of these can really help soothe your symptoms, but you should be aware that  if you do not get rid of the negative in your life, no treatment will be effective. 

If you think you need psychological therapy, you should do so in a positive way. Remove hatred, anger, anxiety and people who are toxic from your life. This will help you live a calmer and healthier life.

Fortunately, there are also natural treatments that will make your body relax and help you a lot.

Three natural treatments to end tooth decay

1. Legevendelrot

Hemp root tea

Valerian (Valeriana, katterot) have a strong sedative effect controlling anxiety and sleep disorders. Because of this, this plant will help you relax and let go of the excitement.


  • 1 tablespoon legendel rot (15 g)
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)


  • Heat the water. When it boils, add the horseradish root and  leave for 2 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and strain.
  • We recommend that you drink this infusion in the evening,  30 minutes before going to bed.


Chamomile tea

Chamomile is used to treat muscle pain, but can also be used to relieve menstrual disorders, tension, headaches, anxiety, stress and nerves. It  relaxes tense muscles and has anti-inflammatory properties.


  • 1 teaspoon chamomile tea (15 g)
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)


  • Boil the water, add the chamomile and let it soak for 5 minutes.
  • We recommend that you drink this tea  in the morning after you get up, and in the evening before going to bed.

3. Lavender

Lavender tea

Lavender is known as one of the most effective natural muscle relaxants. Because of this, this plant will really help to  relax the tense muscles in your neck and jaw.


  • 5 lavender flowers
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)


  • Heat the water and add the lavender flowers when it starts to boil.
  • Take it off the heat and let it stand.
  • We recommend drinking it  twice a day, between meals.
  • Lavender oil is also excellent for ending tooth grinding. You apply it by massaging the affected area.

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