14 Characters Indicating High Levels Of Cortisol

Learn to clearly identify 14 signs that may indicate a high cortisol level and how to deal with it.
14 signs indicating high levels of cortisol

Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced in the adrenal cortex. It predominantly regulates the immune system. This is the hormone that increases glucose levels in stressful situations so that your body has enough energy to cope with them. This is why it is known as the stress hormone. But what happens if you have high levels of cortisol?

Is having high levels of cortisol a problem?

Yes. Everything is harmful in excess, and in this case it is also harmful. High levels of cortisol can have negative consequences for the body.

But why does the cortisol level change in the first place?

One of the main causes is stressful situations that are maintained over time. The daily pace of life, especially in large cities, contributes to the stress until it becomes chronic.

Other problems that cause high levels of cortisol include:

  • Infections
  • Trauma
  • Deep depression
  • Intake of steroids
  • Too much physical activity
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages
  • Adrenal diseases (in the hypothalamus or pituitary gland)

Signs that you have high levels of cortisol

A woman who measures her blood sugar

The signs that may indicate that you have high levels of cortisol are very varied. However, when a person experiences most of the following, it is necessary to go to the doctor to confirm or rule out the possibility that there is an imbalance of this hormone.

  1. High blood pressure
  2. Osteoporosis
  3. Exhaustion
  4. Irritability
  5. Digestive problems
  6. Reduced muscle strength
  7. Sudden mood swings
  8. Difficulty sleeping
  9. Water accumulation in the eyelids
  10. Too high blood sugar levels
  11. Excessive hair production in the facial area
  12. Occurrence of stretch marks on the abdomen
  13. Obesity concentrated in the abdominal area
  14. Occurrence of fat deposits in the neck

What should you do if you have high levels of cortisol?

What should you do if you have high levels of cortisol?

Once the doctor has requested blood tests and the respective results have been obtained, they will be evaluated.

The normal amount of this hormone in the blood varies from 5 to 20 micrograms per deciliter. Or they can also be specified as 140 to 550 nanomoles / liter.

If the numbers are higher than these, your level is considered too high.

The next step will be to determine the cause of the increase in cortisol in the body. In this way an adequate treatment can be prescribed.

What can you do?

A woman sleeping with a sleeping mask

We recommend that you take the following steps so that your cortisol level remains normal.

  • Stay hydrated. Do not forget that the body needs a certain amount of water per day to be able to perform its functions properly.
  • Aim to sleep between 6 and 8 consecutive hours at night.
  • Avoid eating heavy foods and in excessive amounts.
  • Avoid consuming caffeine products (soft drinks, energy drinks, coffee) and alcohol.
  • Do physical activity regularly, but not too much.
  • Avoid processed foods, which contain refined sugar and carbohydrates (bread, cakes, some pasta, sweets in general, etc.).
  • Ask your doctor what are the best options for falling asleep. Natural products can be recommended to you.
  • With a reliable herbal medicine, you can examine the natural herbs that have an anti-stress effect and look for the option that best suits you.

Other tips to consider

A woman standing with her face in the sun

One of the ways to prevent high cortisol levels from affecting you is to not let stressful situations overwhelm you on a daily basis. To do this, you need to implement these tips:

  • Learn breathing techniques and use them. You will see how deep breathing on a daily basis will benefit you not only emotionally but also on a biological level.
  • Meditate daily or choose another relaxation technique.
  • Play, walk and pet your pet at least a little every day. If you do not have one, consider the possibility of adopting a dog or a cat. It really does make a difference.
  • You can also consider going on a laughter therapy session.
  • Try to distract yourself from your daily worries : Listen to music, watch a funny movie, read a book, have fun with friends or family, or look for a new hobby.

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