13 Quick And Easy Tricks That Will Help You Keep Your House Organized

Are you trying to keep your house tidy and organized? Try some of these quick and easy tricks!
13 quick and easy tricks that will help you keep your house organized

It can take a lot of time to keep the house organized. You not only need to clean every corner, but also put everything away. Although there are many tools to keep everything in place, we sometimes find things we do not know how to organize to make everything look good. However, there are many simple tricks you can use that will help you make your home look like new in minutes.

Tricks to keep the house organized

In this article, we will reveal the 13 best tips for keeping your house organized so you can use them whenever you need them.

Take notes!

Take advantage of the old shoe storage bag


A simple shoe storage can be storage space for all your cleaning products. Since it has several compartments and can be placed almost anywhere, it is useful for keeping the house organized by having all the bottles that are usually multiplied in it.

2. Organize your balls

Balls in garage

If kids’ sports equipment is everywhere and you do not know how to lay them neatly in one place, use elastics to hold them in place.

3. Do not throw away your egg cartons


Have you thought about how useful egg cartons can be? Even if you may not have realized it, this piece of cardboard is ideal for storing small items such as sewing equipment or jewelry.

4. Use boxes with a magnet


Boxes used with magnets are good for saving space in the kitchen, especially when it is too small. These temporary storage spaces can be placed on the refrigerator door, for example. Furthermore, you can have spices and herbs you use daily in these boxes.

5. Load t-shirts vertically in the drawer

Clothes in chest of drawers

Do you want to keep your dresser tidy? A simple trick to help you is to fold your T-shirts and place them vertically in the dresser drawer. This will take up less space and make it easier to find them the next time you want to use them.

6. Put baskets in your freezer

The freezer

If you buy small baskets and put them in the freezer, you can organize your food more easily, and then you can find it faster.

7. Store the makeup on a blackboard

Make-up on magnetic board

A simple magnetic board can be a good alternative for organizing makeup products without wasting so much time. The trick is to put a small magnet on the make-up products so that they can attach to the board, which will ensure that they are always easily accessible.

8. Make your own bathroom shelf

Containers in the bathroom

If you notice that your bathroom is cluttered, make your own shelf with jam jars or similar, and pipe holders that you can find in hardware stores. This item will not only allow you to have small items on hand, but will add an extra hint of decoration to this room in your home.

9. Attach a magnetic rail to your kitchen

Knives hang on the wall

If you attach a magnetic rail somewhere in the kitchen, you always have the knives and utensils for daily use at hand.

10. Attach self-adhesive hooks to your cabinets


If you attach several self-adhesive hooks to the cupboard doors, you can have necklaces, bracelets and other jewelry organized. This simple trick will help you save space and will also give you the opportunity to have all the accessories you like to use every day within sight.

11. Use recycled boxes to organize objects

Yarn storage

All the boxes that used to have different foods in them can be recycled to make great accessories or to organize little things. Wash them well and use all your creativity to paint and decorate them as you wish.

12. Use a bottle to organize your bracelets


Are all your bracelets scattered around the house and are intertwined? Say goodbye to this mess using a simple glass bottle.

  • Wash it well and put it on your dresser to hold each bracelet.
  • In fact, if you want, you can attach them to a wooden box to have a nice organizer like the one in the picture.

13. Store your glasses on a hanger


Although we limit the use of hangers to just clothes, this simple thing can also help us organize our favorite glasses.

  • This not only allows you to save space, but keeps the glasses free from scratches.

Are you ready to take advantage of all these tricks? Now that you know them, keep them in mind the next time you organize your house and you will optimize your time.

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