10 Tricks To Get Rid Of Bad Smells In The Kitchen

To avoid bad smells in the kitchen, it is important to keep things tidy, in addition to avoiding the accumulation of food that can rot and cause bad smells.
10 tricks to get rid of bad odors in the kitchen

Usually there are some odors from the kitchen that spread to our entire home.  Whether the smells come from food, the oven, pipes, the refrigerator or elsewhere, if you want to get rid of bad odors in the kitchen and give it a pleasant and clean smell instead, try the following tricks.

1. Do not put food in the dishwasher

This is more than just a trick. There is a tip that  prevents the pipes from clogging, in addition to preventing bad smells in the kitchen.

  • After each meal, discard leftover food  before putting dishes and cutlery in the dishwasher.
  • After using the dishwasher, you can remove residue and grease by pouring three cups of boiling water mixed with a spoon full of baking soda over the drain to clean the pipe.
  • Repeat this procedure at least once a week.

2. Clean the refrigerator to avoid bad smells in the kitchen

Refrigerator cleaning

If the source of bad odor in your kitchen comes from the refrigerator, clean it with water and vinegar.

  • Check if there is bad food there, and after you get rid of it, place a slice of lemon divided into four pieces in the refrigerator.
  • The lemon will give the refrigerator a good aroma in addition to absorbing bad odors.

It is advisable to wash the refrigerator often to avoid the growth of fungi and bacteria.

Get rid of the smell of grease

It is normal for the smell of grease to spread around the house after we have cooked.

  • To get rid of this odor, pour 2 cups of clear vinegar into a saucepan on the stove when you have finished cooking.
  • Vinegar absorbs food odor in the area.

It is also important to wash pots and pans immediately after using them, so that you smell that the smell of grease spreads through the kitchen. If the fat is difficult to remove, boil water in the pots along with the vinegar and orange peel.

4. Get rid of bad odor on your hands


There are foods that can give an annoying long-lasting odor on our hands, such as onions, garlic or fish. If this happens to you, just rub half a lemon on your hands. The lemon will immediately absorb and remove the irritating odor. It is fantastic!

5. Clean your sponges

Since they come in contact with most of the waste and grease from our dishes, the sponges we use to clean cutlery and other kitchen utensils are a source of bad odors.

Therefore, try to wash them well when you have finished using them, and remove any food residue that is stuck in them. Then leave them in direct sunlight: UV radiation helps to fight bacteria that live in the fungi.

6. Clean the microwave

Clean the microwave
  • Put half a lemon in one in a glass container with hot water.
  • Leave this in the microwave for 5 minutes. The steam will help loosen the grease on the walls and door, and will absorb bad odors.
  • Then wipe over the inside of the  microwave with vinegar to completely clean it.

7. Avoid bad odor in the trash

If it’s not time to take out the trash yet, take some precautions so that bad odors do not invade your kitchen.

  • Sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of the bag with a slice of lemon. This simple combination will minimize unpleasant odors.

8. Clean the cutting board

Cutting sensors are one of the most used kitchen equipment we have. They are used with almost all foods, so wash them well.

  • Combine a pinch of salt with lemon juice, sprinkle it on the cutting board and rub for a few seconds. This mixture will absorb all the odors that have accumulated.

9. Fill the kitchen with a pleasant smell


In addition to avoiding bad odors in the kitchen, it is important to promote a flavored atmosphere.

  • Place some coffee beans on a plate and place it on top of the refrigerator. This will let their rich aroma fill the entire kitchen.
  • You can also soak a cotton ball in vanilla extract and leave it in different places in the kitchen.

10. Clean your kitchen often

To prevent odors and grease from remaining on dishes and kitchen surfaces, clean them frequently when preparing food. Wash dishes after use, then rub walls and surfaces with a cloth dipped in vinegar to get rid of grease and prevent stains from forming.

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