10 Tips To Strengthen Your Defenses Through Your Diet

Having strong defenses is not an easy task, but if you follow a healthy diet you can achieve this without any problems.
10 tips to strengthen your defenses through your diet

In the modern world, there are many factors that can weaken the immune system. Temperature changes, continuous stress and fatigue or exhaustion are three factors that should be considered when it comes to strengthening your defenses.

In this article, we will recommend 10 foods to strengthen your defenses through a healthy diet, while avoiding vitamin supplements or medications, which tend to be the most common solutions.

You should always make sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, because they contain macronutrients, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. All of these help to balance the levels of white blood cells, which are responsible for protecting the body from diseases and infections.

10 foods to strengthen your defenses

1. Garlic


Garlic is often used to flavor various dishes. However, it has innumerable properties that make it a great ally for our health.

It is an antibacterial and antiviral agent that helps strengthen your defenses and your ability to deal with diseases.

2. Citrus fruits

Woman with cold

Fruits such as orange, lime, lemon, grapefruit and tangerine contain a large amount of vitamins, especially vitamin C. It is important to eat them to strengthen your defenses, and they will help you prevent the typical diseases caused by climate change, such as cough and flu.

If you are already suffering from one of these diseases, vitamin C will also help you heal faster and easier.



An onion infusion will always help to strengthen the immune system’s capacity.

  • You can boil them in water and drink the infusion at high temperature to relieve respiratory problems such as catarrh and accumulation of mucus in the lungs.

If you prefer, you can also eat it raw to reduce problems caused by coughing and snoring. In either case , onions will help strengthen your defenses and increase its ability to respond to disease.

4. Red fruits and vegetables


This group includes red peppers, tomatoes, cherries and strawberries. These foods are rich in vitamin A and carotene, two compounds that help strengthen your defenses and prevent disease.

5. Water

Man and woman drink water

Every sip of water you take helps strengthen your defenses. This is because when your body is hydrated, mucus dissolves.

This way you keep the airways free of mucus. At the same time, you want to protect them from bacteria and viruses.

  • Drink at least 6 glasses of water a day to keep viruses away.

You can also drink coconut water to increase the electrolytes in your body. This favors hydration, especially in physically challenging moments.

6. Nuts like almonds


Nuts are rich in vitamin E, an important ally for eliminating toxins. This vitamin is an antioxidant, which increases the number of leukocytes in the body. This protects you from disease, viruses and bacteria.

Almonds in particular help to lower cholesterol levels thanks to their omega-3 content. A good alternative is to prepare almond butter that you can eat on the side of all kinds of foods.

7. Honey

Using honey to treat coughs is very popular. When you suffer from the flu, cough or cold, eat a tablespoon of honey. Its antiseptic properties will help strengthen your defenses.


8. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a superfood that is rich in minerals such as magnesium, zinc and copper. These directly help to strengthen your immune system, and increase its effectiveness against the viruses and bacteria that cause diseases.


9. Mushrooms

Fungi have antiviral and antimicrobial properties.

These vegetables improve the immune system’s ability to respond to dangers that threaten the body. You can eat them before going to bed, seasoned with garlic and onions.


10. Queen jelly

Queen jelly is a product made from bees. It is a natural superfood that strengthens the immune system, especially in winter when the temperature is low.

Queen jelly

How can you fight stress?

Do not forget that the immune system can also be weakened by factors other than food. At the beginning of this article, we mentioned exhaustion and stress. Stress is a crucial factor for your health.

Stress can cause a weakening of the immune system. If this happens, your blood pressure and cholesterol will increase, and it will also lead to an imbalance in the hormonal system. As a result, you may suffer from many diseases.

So we recommend that you exercise and practice some kind of activity that improves your emotional well-being, as well as including the 10 foods we just mentioned. Strengthening your defenses is a daily task.

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