10 Extracts That Cleanse The Body

There are two types of toxins: The exogenous ones that enter your body when you breathe, in the form of infection, through the skin and through the digestive system. Then there are the endogenous ones, which the body produces due to intestinal bacteria, free radicals, parasites, stress and anxiety.
10 extracts that cleanse the body

Usually our body stores the toxins produced by living cells or organisms , such as. animals, bacteria or other biological organisms. These toxins can cause both mild and serious illnesses. Fortunately, there are extracts that cleanse the body.

There are two types of toxins:  The exogenous ones that enter your body when you breathe, in the form of infection, through the skin and through the digestive system. Then there are the endogenous ones, which the body produces due to intestinal bacteria, free radicals, parasites, stress and anxiety.

It is necessary to eliminate these toxins so that you can maintain good health. Our body is responsible for getting rid of them, but sometimes it is not enough. If it has accumulated with waste products, this can cause fatigue, stress and allergies.

Fortunately, there are many plants that can help you with the elimination process. In this article, we will list ten plants that you can use to make natural extracts that cleanse the body.

Extract that cleanses the body


Mistletoe is a cleansing plant, which eliminates toxins and increases the production of urine. Boil a liter of water and add two leaves. After it has boiled, let the mixture flow through a sieve. Let it rest a bit before drinking. If you think the taste is too bitter, you can sweeten it with a little honey.


artichoke-for-weight loss

Artichoke helps to cleanse the body and at the same time it contributes to good digestion. It is one of the best plants when it comes to removing waste products, which is why it is recommended for overweight people who want to lose weight.

This plant is also recommended for diabetics, as it contains insulin instead of starch. It is also hypoglycemic as it removes excess sugar from the blood.

You make an extract that cleanses by having a glass of water in a saucepan along with three leaves. Boil it for a few minutes, strain the mixture and let it cool down a bit before drinking it. Do this every day so that your body can take advantage of the good properties of this plant.

Green tea

The properties of green tea are endless, but as we know, the main property is that the tea has a diuretic effect. It is also very effective in lowering cholesterol levels. Put three leaves in a cup of boiling water. Let it rest a bit before drinking it.


blueberry drink

Blueberry extract, although we are not talking about a plant, is really effective as it helps us get rid of excess fluid. It is especially recommended for people who are struggling with various urinary tract infections.


Although this is not really a plant, grapefruit extract is ideal for stimulating digestion and reducing appetite. It thus helps people who are going to lose weight. Boil a few slices of grapefruit in water, strain the water and drink when it is properly cooled.



Thyme cleanses the body and improves digestion. If you are struggling with severe cramps during menstruation, thyme will help against this. Thyme is also used to fight cellulite and when to lose weight. Take a spoonful of the dried plant and put it in boiling water. Let the extract rest a bit, before drinking.


Fennel performs wonders when it comes to cleansing the kidneys and is an excellent diuretic plant. Boil the stem and leaves in water, strain and drink.



Dandelion helps to cleanse the liver and makes the digestive system work better. Put 1 tablespoon of dandelion in a cup of boiling water, let it rest a bit before drinking it. Do not forget to strain the extract first.


Parsley is ideal for getting rid of excess fluid. To a liter of water add 2 tablespoons of leaves. Let it simmer for a few minutes. Strain the mixture and drink it throughout the day.



Due to its cleansing properties  , celery is a good ally in the fight against impurities and toxins. It also helps when you are losing weight and cleanses the liver. Make an extract by boiling a few stalks in a liter of water. Drink this regularly throughout the day.


Most of these plants can be purchased at major grocery stores. Most of the extracts mentioned also help when you are going to lose weight. But it is important that you balance it all with a healthy diet. If you are pregnant, it is best that you do not drink extracts that cleanse the body.

Even though some of these are meant to be consumed regularly throughout the day, it does not mean that you should overdo your intake. Excessive use can have a laxative effect.

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